Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Halloween Part 2

After the kids went to bed on Halloween night, we still had some friends over. Plus a couple more showed up just to hang out with us and celebrate the holiday. Angie had come over for the whole thing, and then Alki showed up towards the end. But after the kids went to bed, Kris and AJ came to. We all have such a great friendship. We sat back laughed, had a few drinks, and ate some treats while enjoying each others company. We were missing Kevin and Amy. But otherwise had a ball together. We always do! I am very lucky to have such amazing friends here in California. They make up my California family, since my real family is further away. I love these guys and hope they know how much they all mean to me.

AJ as a devil, and Roxy as her angel dog. In fact even Tinkerbell and Hyaun had a party. We had 4 dogs here..ha ha

Kicking back and enjoying our friends

My girls...minus Amy!

Justin and Alki chillin...probably talking about cars or something. Alki was a retired Floridian...he was missing the straw hat though.

Kris as Joe Dirt...lol He is usually bald so to see him with hair was weird!

AJ, Kris, and Angie!

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