Monday, December 14, 2009

Hard day

Well after 2.5 years..Kylee is going through her Alopecia again. This morning I sent Chelsey off to school. I proceeded on with my morning of chores, and put Ky and Issy in the tub. I came to wash her hair and noticed she had a clump of hair hanging down her shoulder. My thought was..Oh no I know her hair isn't that long. Sure enough I went and looked at where it was coming from and her first two patches are already starting. The hair she lost had gotten clumped up and twisted in the rest of her hair. So I got it free and Ky noticed...She said "Mom why did you pull out my hair"? I told her I didn't but that her spots had come back. We both had a few tears together. She is older now and understands things a little more. So she began questioning, Why don't Chelsey and Issy go through this?, Why is it just me?, Mom my hair just got long!, and then she said Mom please just leave it long. So I told her honey we won't cut it short this time. (Last time her hair was very thin and unhealthy so I cut it shorter to make it look fuller and better). But this time her hair is healthier and longer. She then remembered she had to go to school and told me she didn't want her hair in ponytails anymore and just wanted it to hang down so no one could see. Its deffinantly a hard thing to watch your daughter process and go through it. But as always Ky put a smile on her face and said Ok just put a bow in it and I'll be ok. She is such a little trooper. I am hoping that just like last time it won't get too bad and then within 2 months it will start the growing back stage. Which is right in time for her 6th b-day. Cross your fingers everyone and keep our little Ky in your thoughts and prayers that this will just go away again like last time...

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