Thursday, August 12, 2010

First Day of School!

Yesterday the girls went back to school. Chelsey is now in 5th grade and top dog of her school. Next year she will move on to Middle school...yikes! Ky is in 1st grade. She is now a full day student and her biggest excitement is that she gets to play on the big kids playground :)

Chelsey's teacher this year is Ms. Roach. I believe she takes on an Asst. Principal role, therefor she is very orderly and quite the lady. When I found out Chelsey had her I simply said.. this could go two ways. 1- This will be a VERY bad year, or 2- this could be the best thing to happen to Chelsey. I'm starting to think option 2 is going to win! Ms. Roach is very organized and runs a tight ship. She is very energectic, and is always on the move. The one thing I am hoping to squash this year is Chelsey's chatting problem. Which I found out is her teachers biggest pet peeve. So hopefully it won't be tolerated. Since next year Chelsey will be in 6th and there on the teachers will simply send them to the principals office. Chelsey's first day though, she came home and loved it. I was very impressed as well. Ms. Roach keeps a site that I can check and see about homework, upcoming events, announcements, and etc. Also for every homework I have to sign in order for Chelsey to turn it back in. I'm already seeing a great year and my daughters future getting much better. :)

Ky has Ms. Robinson. She is an older lady and sort of the grandma type teacher, very nuturing and sweet. Ky loves her and said that she is extremely excited for school.

My baby is growing up. 5th grade..I can't believe it.

My Ky-kers! She is such a ham and very excited for 1st grade.

Ky in her class sitting at her desk and ready to learn

Ok so last year this little boy was in her Kindergarten class, his name is Gabriel. He won my little girls heart. Once again they have class together and the teacher happened to sit them together...we will see how this goes..ha ha. They're so cute. Gabriels mom said "Oh they had Kinder together huh." I said, "yep they sure did". She said "Yep we've heard Ky's name at home..ha ha" They both just looked down and smiled. We both had to take a picture of them together.

Chelsey at her class and ready to step in and learn! This year she has her best friend Karla in class with her. I think this will be great as well. Karla is a very good girl, and very obediant. She is going to be my eyes and ears while Chelsey is at school..ha ha ha.

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