Monday, August 31, 2009

Kylee's first tooth

So my ky-kers lost her first tooth. Funny story is what caused this tooth to be loose in the first place. We noticed that an adult tooth was growing back behind her baby tooth. Then it started to make her baby one loose. Right next to that one is another adult tooth growing a little too early. We started calling her Shark Girl. So yesterday her Grandpa Jim came into town and we showed him her loose tooth. Of course he took advantage of that. He right away grabbed onto it and pulled. She screamed, and ran off. Then we got her to come back. I showed him that she was having teeth grow behind it to force the tooth out. So he said I will have to check that out. He told he to let him see her shark teeth. So she showed him and with team effort we did it. I held her arms and her yanked the tooth out....Wahla..we have a place for the Adult tooth to come forward! She was so excited. She put it under her pillow right away and the next morning she came running out with a dollar. The tooth fairy had come!! She said she had tried to catch her...but that Tooth Fairy is Sneaky! Maybe next time Ky!

1 comment:

Robin T. said...

So CUTE!!! Just be careful ok...we have plenty of kids that come in with parts of the baby tooth in their because of pulling them out. It can be painful. I can't believe she got a WHOLE DOLLAR!!! GREAT JOB KY!!!!