Friday, January 9, 2009

Turning a frown upside down

So the last couple days have just those type of days were eveything seemed gloomy. Nothing seemed to be going right, and the girls were just so upbeat and active that I couldn't keep up with them. But I decided to do soemthing that I knew would put a smile on my face and the little ones would love. I got out my hair stuff, and brang it into the living room, and then put on a movie. I then sat Issy and Kylee down in front of me and did their hair while they got to watch their movie. That way they weren't scared of the curling iron, because they couldn't see it in the mirror. Plus I got them to settle down enough to curl their hair real cute. I put Issy's into loose ringlets and then curled up Ky's. Kylee loves having her hair done, it shows her that her shorter hair can be just as cute!

It was now time to get Chelsey from school, so as we walked down to the school, I brought my camera and snapped some pictures of them. If any of you know my kids..they love having their picture taken. They will pose like little models for you. Then when I got home while Issy was napping, and Chelsey did her homework. I played on my photo editor program. Having their hair so stinkin' cute and getting adorable pictures turned my day around and I felt much better. Here is my finished product

My gorgeous Ky!

Super model Isabella


Peacock Family said...

jen.. they are so beautiful!! watch out you're going to have your hands full when they get alittle older.. hehehe ;)

Anonymous said...

What a great idea! It is so relaxing to play with peoples hair.