Sunday, December 5, 2010

Isabella's Tragedy

So the Saturday after Thanksgiving just turned out to be the worst day! First of all we start off by sending Corinne home, only to get her back within 5 minutes. Her car broke down and Justin and Limpy had to go save her. They found out that she had a timing belt and motor mount that had to be fixed. Soo... She came back to the house. The girls were excited because they got an extra day with Grandma. UNtil... They girls had ate lunch, enjoyed a tea party with Grandma, and went on about playing. I sat down to eat when Issy started screaming. She ran into the kitchen and said her arm was hurting. I noticed her elbow was not right. It looked like it had been dislocated. So I have Justin take us to Urgent care. Where we find out after a couple hours and xrays later that Issy broke her elbow and a small fracture in her collar bone. They proceeded to tell us that we would have to take her in for surgery. But since she had just ate they made her wait 8 hours. So we got admitted and a room in the hospital. I stayed with Issy while justin ran home for a little bit. The girls, Corinne and Limpy came to visit Issy before her surgery. At 8 they took her down and started prepping her for surgery. Finally they got her in and we were sent to the waiting room. The Dr told us that it could take up to 5 hrs and didn't know. So we sat and waited. But after only 40 minutes he came out and said the surgery was great and she was back in the pre-op area. Needless to say I slept with Issy that night at the hospital and then the next day Justin came and got us. She is such a trooper. It took her about 4 days to get off the pain meds but she is doing great and going back in for an appointment Tuesday. Love you need to be more careful! Oh what ended up happening was she had climbed on Justin's office chair and was standing on it. When it turned and she fell off and broke her elbow. She won't get back on that chair again..ha ha!

After finding out she had a broken elbow and slight fracture in Collar bone. She was smiling tho every time I took picture. In fact Justin took her in to the xray room. She was nervous so he explained to her that all they were going to do was take pictures of her bones. She what does she do when the nurse said..ok ready? Yeah she smiles and poses! The nurse was like..umm did she just do that, and Justin was like..ha ha Yep thats my girl!

Issy got her hospital p.j.'s and weighed in. I thought she looked so cute!

Just got put her her bed for the next 24 hrs.

She was being so silly! Making faces and all. Pain meds of course!

Ha ha ha... On pain meds and feeling GREAT!

Where is Issy under all that stuff?! They had 2 pillows for her arm to be propped and then a warm blanket, plus the wash cloth on top. I thought we lost her for a minute under all that.

She had run a slight fever so they were trying to reduce it down

About to go in for surgery. She looks so worried and kept telling us to stay with her. My poor girl!

After she was out of surgery, still sleepy from the anesthesia. It was hard to see her this way! My poor baby

Issy is back home after being in the hospital for 24 hrs. She is a trooper and doing great! She had two pins placed in her arm that will be removed after 4 weeks.

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