Thursday, April 30, 2009

My Baby is growing up

So Today I registered Kylee for Kindergarten. I thought at first things were going to be postponed. I had her physical scheduled for today and finish up registration tomorrow. But at lunch the Drs called and cancelled all routine and health check-ups. Only people who were sick were being seen, and even at that its for really sick cases. This Swine Flu has thrown abunch of stuff off. Now to me it seems like everyone is blowing things out of perportion. But Oh well. So I went down to the school explained what happned with her physical, showed them her app. card showing she had one scheduled. They said due to the epidemic..they were still allowing registration and when the physical gets done bring in the paperwork from it. So there we are...My Kylee will be starting Kindergarten in the fall. She is super excited and can't wait. I of course will miss her, but will also enjoy alittle bit of the quietness in my home. Its not all the way quiet though...we still have Isabella to go.


Peacock Family said...

Yeah for kindergarten! give mommy some sane time =)

Becky said...

Wow! School! Is she excited?