Monday, August 24, 2009

Visit with Michelle

Michelle and I are a year apart in age. We grew up together and are very close cousins, and friends. We would play every sunday while I was in Moroni visiting our Grandma & Grandpa Bagley. We have shared some great memories. Since growing up and moving away we don't always get to see each other. If we do its not for a long period of time at all. So I had the great fortune of spending some time with her while she was in San Diego visiting her older sister Jenni. We went down there and took her to Seaport Village. Walked around there, visited the famous "Kiss" statue and then went on a Sea Lions Tour. We finished up with Dinner and Ice cream in the village. It was so fun to walk and spend the whole daay with her. We haven't done that in YEARS!

Hmm...I think we might be What do you think?

The girls enjoying the ocean on their Sea Lion Tour

Watching these two Sea Lions fight back and forth to see who could stay on the deck. It was pretty funny!

Our family on the Sea Lion Tour

Issy decided to join the statue and pose.

That is one pretty cute statue. I think I might take her

The Famous "Kiss" statue.

Chelsey on the carousel

Issy and I..she was a little scared at first. But enjoyed it after it started going.

Chelsey liked having birds on her.

Kylee didn't like it when the guy put the bird on her head. I think that was too much for her.

Issy putting on a brave smile while he sets the bird on her shoulder.

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