Monday, January 11, 2010

Our Accident

So the day of Chelsey's comp we were coming back from it..all happy because she took 2nd! Yay..right?? Well yeah we were all talking about the different teams and what her next instructor might be like and all of the sudden I look up to see an older ford pick up skidding back and forth and trying to stop. I alert Justin since he was distracted by talking to us and by the time he could was too late. We skidded back and forth and ended up hitting the ford. His bumper pushed up Justin's hood, broke the headlight and bent the fender. But just as we arew trying to focus on what just happened the ford doesn't even stop and he drives away taking out 2 cones to break into the fast track lane (which by the way is illegal). Well with no witnesses because they left as well, and the other guy leaving too..Justin checked his damage, made sure there wasn't anything leaking and we went home. The car is still drivable, and yes we have filed a report and called the insurance. So now we just wait to see what happens with it...Stayed tuned! Oh and we are all fine! No one got hurt and thats what counts.

1 comment:

Becky said...

Your poor car!! I am glad you guys are ok though.