Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Proud Mom

Last night we went down to the school for a meeting with Ms. Roach about the reading program Chelsey is in. She wanted to explain to the parents how this program works and how it helps our children. I am very impressed with how involved this teacher is and how she encourages the kids to do better. She does it in a way that doesn't put the child down but is more positive that they can strive for better success. They also gave out awards, every month the teacher prints out awards for the books that the kids have mastered in their program. Chelsey already received two and got one last night. Plus she had finished one that day so she will have another waiting. They read books that are on their Lexile score. A lexile score is what a word is given for how easy to hard it is. Then based on that the books are given an overall score based on that. Chelsey started this year with a low score. The teacher explained that she talks very well and can carry a conversation with big words. High vocabulary! But when it comes to books and reading she doesn't quite understand. She doesn't want to take the time when talking comes so easily to her. So with all that said her reading level is a 3rd grade level. But with this program it will work with her so that she is reading only what her score is equal too and eventually move up as it goes. Ms. Roach said at some point this year everything will click between her vocabulary and reading and it will be awesome to see everything come together. Well the best news of last night was..... Her Lexile score has improved by 184 points in one month. The teacher is very impressed with this and said that Chelsey is really understanding everything. Chelsey also has one of the highest improvements in the program so far. So we went from somewhere in the 300's to the 500's. I'm very proud of her and the work she has accomplished so far. This has been a struggle for Justin and I because reading came so easily to us. Even though one reads more than the other..ha ha. But we are working through it and I know that Chelsey will end her 5th grade year and Elementary time with success and more confidence in herself.

1 comment:

Julie said...

That fanastic for chels.! You go girl!