Monday, February 16, 2009

Trial and Hair Error

Ok some of you have noticed that once again my hair is a different color. There is a story behind this...

So when I went from blonde back to Brown. Because of bleaching it so much, it strips the pigment out of your hair. So when you put color back into it, there is nothing for the color to hold onto. So I went from my hair all being a dark auburn, to dark on bottom and a light crappy brown on top (where the blonde used to be). Within two weeks of coloring it, it had lightened up that much. So saturday I decided to darken it again. Well I got the same color as before, but didn't use as much brown to fill it with. I figured I wasn't blonde anymore, I had brown hair, that I wouldn't need so much brown this time....Wrong! After rinsing the color was red. But once I showed Justin, he really really liked it. So since he didn't think it was bad, and my other friends didn't think it was bad...I kept it. So here I am with Red I have received some crap from people on the constant change of my hair. I think everyone thinks I go from one color to the next week by week. But I don't, but I do like I do change it often. I guess thats what happens when your a stylist and you get


Julie said...

girl you are too funny... guess I should get busy doing something wild to my hair! just to keep up with you! lol!

The georgia peach said...

I love it and if you want to change it weekly that is your choice your hair always looks great according to me. the couple times i tried to dye mine it didnt work so well went funny colors like pink. i love it hope you enjoy it.

Jennifer said...

Jenn, I just think it shows your indivuality! Keep being the YOU we all know and love.. even if it means constantly changing your hair!

Wohlwends said...

Thanks Everyone! I'm glad there is people who like me for my constantly changing Your girls Rock!