Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Drug Free Week

The girls had drug free week last week at school. This was their list of activities

Monday-get bracelets and decorate the school
Tuesday- Wear hats for "Put a cap on drugs" and Jello eating contest. Chelsey won for her class!
Wednesday- Jersey day..work as team to beat drugs!
Thursday- wear all red. Ky and Chelsey's class won for their grades with the most red.
Friday was CHaracter day-dress up as a character *but you could NOT wear costumes until Harvest Festival. So my question is how do you dress up as a character without wearing a costume...Hmm. I tried to do what I could.
Here is Ky:

So Who is she???
Ky went as Hermione Granger from Harry Potter. I put on her outfit that looked like a school uniform, added a wand, a black jacket for her cloak, I printed off the Hogwarts Emblem and taped to her outfit, then frizzed out her hair...what do you think?
Chelsey was abit of a struggle. I thought she would make a good Jesse from Toy Story. But I guess that wasn't cool enough for her. After debating with her I just lost patience and said do whatever... She dressed up like Sharpay from Highschool musical. I still think she would of made an awesome Jesse..ha ha!

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