Thursday, November 25, 2010

Turkey Tango

At the end of every month the school does an awards assembly and if it falls around a major holiday they will have a grade preform a couple songs for it. This time it was the 1st grades turn for the Thanksgiving preformance. Ky was going to be singing the Turkey Tango and Alberque Turkey. The turkey tango was her favorite and she was hoping that she was going to be selected as the girl from her class to dance the tango with a boy. Each class selected one boy and girl to do the tango. Ky's wishes came true. Not only that...but she was selected to dance with Gabriel! Her little elementary love. The dance and number is just priceless! Kylee enjoyed it so much! WHile watching her preform, Gabriels mom sat next to me. Now I have only met her once before. When she sat down she said "Your Kylee's Mom aren't you?" I said "Yes". She said"Oh we just love Ky. We hear about her all the time. She seems like such a doll!" Then Justin noticed that Her and me were dressed similiar. He laughed and said did you guys call each other. During it I did tease him and say look were sitting with the inlaws. He was not happy!! Ha ha. Oh well! But she had the time of her life, and Gabriel enjoyed it too!!

Doing the Turkey Tango...such a preformer!

Ky and her "Friend" Gabriel!

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