Friday, June 5, 2009

New Favorite Quote

So every once in awhile I come across a quote that just seems to fit something that is going on in my life. My newest quote is :

" Never make someone a priority that only makes you an option!"

There have been people that come into my life and for some reason I try my hardest to do everything to please them. When in return I don't get the same acknowledgement. Now for me personally I try to make each person in my life feel welcome and wanted. But there are certain people that seem to pull that greater want to satisfy or approval. Sometimes I just need to accept that no matter what I do, they aren't going to treate me the same. That some people are not worth spending that amount of energy on when they only see you as an option when there is nothing else to do. I need to learn to let go and know that those type of people aren't the greatest support and probably not the greatest of people to spend my time with. You always want to be around people who make you feel better about yourself and make you happy all the time. Not just when they feel like it would better their day.


Becky said...

Aren't quotes great? Sometimes they just hit you, and help you so much. Mine right now is "If you continue to do what you've always done, you get the results you've always gotten".

Wohlwends said...

I like that one too Becky!